The dictionary says:
ramble – noun – a leisurely excursion for pleasure.
synonyms: walk · hike · trek · wander · stroll · saunter · amble · roam · traipse · jaunt

This, then, should be a pleasurable stroll through some interesting topics. It didn’t work out that way for me today. I was preparing a post over at Cafe Ludwig, the Blogger version, and things just didn’t want to work. I could not upload images. “Server rejection” – never heard of that before. Struggled on and on, to no avail. Much later I learned that Google was having internet problems.
So, I came over here to this my own little corner. But sadly WordPress has seen fit to impose their “block editor”. Struggles continue.
I was eager to tell of the riches of gifts I received in the past days. A week ago I was photographing a concert at Peachtree Corners Town Center. I plan to tell more about that at my WordPress Cafe Ludwig. Jim Stone, Tytan Pictures, was also there with his camera. I became one of his targets. This was late in the evening, my watch shows 8:55, past sunset. He kindly sent me a shot of me. I cropped it some for use on my About page. You see it above.

Then later this past week I had lunch with two friends whom I had never met before. We knew each other only from our blogs. Here are Dorothy and Patrick, known as Beatrice and Grenville at The Frog and PenguINN.
Dorothy sent me this delightful portrait from that day.
Enough of struggling with this horrible new “editor”, it really doesn’t deserve to be called that.
© 2019 Ludwig Keck