… well then, keep trying
Circumstances had me spending many days in and around Emory University Hospital recently.
I only had my iPhone with me, no “big” camera, but that was not a serious limitation. It provides a wide view angle and good resolution, the photos are quite acceptable.
The pedestrian bridge over Clifton Road provides nice views of the old and new buildings. The Tower building is an impressive, modern structure. I decided it would make a fine photo.

I waited for the sun to get to the west side so it would be in full light. There was not a way to step far enough back to get the building and a bit of its environment into the frame.

But worse, from that position and angle the resulting photo is one of those perspective disasters that I have warned photographers against for years.
The following afternoon I went back to do it right. I had taken just a couple of shots for an overlapping pano when my low-power warning came up. Since I needed the phone for more serious matters I did not finish the sequence. Here are samples of the best I could do with what I had gotten. These are done with ICE – Microsoft Image Composite Editor – my favorite tool for stitching photos.

I held the camera in “photographer mode – horizontal aspect ratio”. Using two frames for a perspective projection stitch.

Using four frames for this stitch. I did miss some area in the lower right. So this was not as good as I had wanted.
So one more try the following day. This time I did a better job. I held the camera, pardon me, the phone, in portrait mode to give better vertical reach and took ten overlapping frames.

You can see another stitch from the same set of images over at Gallery Ludwig. If you pay close attention you will note an interesting difference between the above image and the the one I used at Gallery Ludwig. The Gallery photos will display larger than what you can get here – due to differences in WordPress themes.
.:. © 2021 Ludwig Keck