… My Way
It was about a year ago that the 2021 program calendar for the Peachtree Corners Phtography Club was firmed up. There were several presentations assigned to me. Little did I know at the time that the year would shape up with many troubles and difficulties, an annus horribilis.
A couple of the presentation would be about street photography. I kept that in mind as I took photos although my photography was greatly diminished due to illness in the family.
I did search through my archive and selected a large number of photos so I would have a good selection for my presentations. I also took some photos specifically with that in mind.
Here is one of these:

I used this photo, tongue in cheek, in my PCPC presentation.
And the webinar:
Now after all this I had a large bucket of photos. What to do? I didn’t just want to dump them, it was, after all, a representative collection of my street photography. So I decided to put them into a portfolio. The Ludwig.Gallery would be a good place – after extensive remodeling. It would also make sense to publish them one, or a small group, at a time in a blog. I decided that the WordPress Cafe Ludwig blog would be the medium. I will be working on this in the next few months as time permits.
Another quandary arose, what should a cafe art manipulation of a street photo be called? Here are two:

Well, let’s get started ….