It has been quite some time since the move of this site to a new hosting provider got underway. Many things have gone wrong, there were many delays. It is getting close to when it is time to say enough – it’s done.
One if the objectives was to get better performance. That has been iffy at best. Today’s results look like this:

The performance score is 95 – not bad.
Fending off hackers and spammers was another goal. No progress there. Today’s report shows a block count of 221 (for the past week). With 13 login attempts. The WordFence messages go like this:
This email was sent from your website “Cafe Ludwig” by the Wordfence plugin at Wednesday 2nd of November 2022 at 12:44:34 PM — A user with IP address 2a—:1 has been locked out from signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Used an invalid username ‘admin’ to try to sign in. The duration of the lockout is 10 days.
The number of such attempts is higher than my real visitors.
Well, I guess that the way the world turns ….