Seeing an Appreciating
It is not at all uncommon that a photo of mine that I consider one of my best, or at least one of my favorites, gets yawns from my friends. In fact, most of the time when picking “good photos” from my collection, others rarely pick what I hold dear.
There is a simple reason for that, of course. We all see the world differently. Any photo has more than just the image, it comes with memories. When we look at our photos we also relive the experience, the situation, the time that is indelibly connected with them. Others subliminally “see” different thoughts and memories when looking at images and thus experience it in their own domain.
The photo here has already been shared by me in other sites. In part to see what response it might get from others. Not being a bird photographer, I was very happy with this “catch”. It has its technical flaws, not the least being the high noise content from using ISO 6400 in an ancient camera. Even noise reduction with Topaz Labs DeNoise AI could not do much more than make this image acceptable.
We can, and should, stick to our own values when presenting our art. Sometimes a work will resonate positively with others. That is enough to make us feel good and appreciated.
Thank you for taking a look.