Monday Window – 240729

Artmore Hotel, Atlanta - 2013

As we continue our bus tour from back in 2013, we come by the historic Artmore Hotel. The bus was rolling at a good clip and I got just three shots. We were too close to get the whole front in. Normally that is not a problem, there is always Microsoft Image Composite Editor that is good at stitching drive-by photos together. Not this time. It just refused to combine my images. The hotel has two identical, separated wings, That is just too confusing for ICE I guess. Well, there is more than one way to skin a — photo or so I thought. So I did some heavy perspective corrections on each frame. Tried ICE with those – no luck. Guess I need to do another drive-by. Here are the images. At least they show those old, 1920, windows.

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.:. © 2009 – 2024 Ludwig Keck


  1. What a lovely looking hotel, Ludwig 🙂! I also see a little Juliet Balcony there, besides the doors and windows 😀..

    1. Thanks P R. Yes, two little balconies. Now I have to look for more.

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