Monday Window – 240812

Tree outside the window

Big pine outside the window

Some four decades ago it was a nice tree just next to the newly built house. Then it just kept growing until it became a hazard, dropping dead branches on the house.

It had to be removed. Some of you may have already seen the image below. When my eyes get back to normal, I will show more from that day.

.:. © 2009 – 2024 Ludwig Keck


    1. The house foundation is all concrete, we haven’t seen any problem. Hope that is indeed the case.

  1. That is some tree to view from the window. I bet the bloke is saying over and over “Don’t cut the rope, Don’t cut the rope” 😂
    Thanks for joining in Ludwig 😀

    1. Thanks, bushboy. He has been pretty good about not cutting the rope, haha.

    1. Hi PR. Being right next to the house made for a delicate process. As the tree was at the back of the house, it required cutting it into pieces, each one hoisted over the house. It was also an expensive operation. I will have a post about that day.

    2. Indeed, PR. A tricky process. They did not drop any of the pieces on the house.

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