Monday Window – 240819

Turner Field - Atlanta - 2013

The Destination

We took a break from our bus tour of long ago and I never shared the destination. Today I will end the suspense. The tour took us to Turner Field, then the home of the Atlanta Braves baseball team. The team has since moved to a new place and the one here is no longer called Turner Field, it is now part of the university nearby.

That tour was on an off day and we got to see the inside as well as the outside. Here are the windows of the announcer’s booth.

Turner Field – Atlanta – 2013

And here are big windows as seen from the outside.

Turner Field – Atlanta – 2013

.:. © 2009 – 2024 Ludwig Keck


  1. Very nice! The commentator box is reminding me of a similar box of a venue I was in Bangalore for a company event, from where you could survey the hall where the event was taking place. But people from the hall couldn’t look inside 🙂

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