Monday Window – 241007

Chamblee Car Dealership

Last of Chamblee Drive-by

Finally we come to the end of my Chamblee drive-by photography set. At the top of the city, along Peachtree Boulevard, there are what seems like dozens of car dealerships. Just about any brand is represented. I photographed just two of them. In drive-by photography one of the hazards is street signs, utility poles, even trees – they seem to come up at just the wrong moment. One of the drive-by guidelines is to keep shooting. It didn’t work for the Ford dealership.

My luck was better with the Volkswagen store.

Please note the huge windows on both stores, and the upstairs showroom. For reasons I can’t recall I did not roll down the window for these photos. My bad.

My Monday Window friends probably have much better photos to show. Go take a look.

Monday Window – 7 October 2024

.:. © 2009 – 2024 Ludwig Keck


  1. What a bright sunny day – that’s definitely good for drive-by photos 🙂. If there’s one thing that is super critical in the US for traveling, it’s having a car! I had to always depend on my friends to drive me around when I was visiting! I guess the car dealerships there are as important as supermarkets 😉.

    1. Yes, here in the USA a car is a necessity. Everything is spread out and there is little public transportation.

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