My photos out there
It is not very often that I get a bit of public exposure, but recently some of my photos could be seen out there. There are a couple of my posts that give the details. All of this was about the contest and exhibit “Norcross – Our Home is Your Home conducted by Norcross Gallery & Studios. First was my post Norcross in Pictures – Cafe Ludwig, then came Photo Exhibit Reception – Cafe Ludwig.
The next one is not on my sites but from Southwest Gwinnett Magazine that did a nice story on the event: Our Home is Your Home: Norcross Through Photos | Southwest Gwinnett Magazine. The article included some of my photos from the reception and also two of my entries.

What was to me another source of pride was that one of my entries was right behind Anne Hall the MC at the reception.

All in all, a very satisfying experience. I am proud that three of my photos made it into the exhibit, and pleased that I even got to be the “photo journalist” reporting on the reception.