Monday Window – 240902

Driving through Chamblee

Our neighboring town Chamblee is having quite a revival with much new construction. We drove through and I practiced a bit of “drive-by photography” from the back seat. For this week here are two photos. Still have to process most of the rest.

In the photo above you can see a new apartment house. There are big windows and balconies. You can tell that construction is not quite finished.

And below a storefront with many windows. Even the reflection of our car in the door windows.

.:. © 2009 – 2024 Ludwig Keck


  1. Nice captures, Ludwig 🙂. It’s nice to see these newly constructed apartments which will become homes to so many families over the years.. (btw..the “Like” button on this page is not loading for me, at least on chrome browser).

    1. Thanks, PR. I will have a few more coming up. I don’t know why the Like button works so intermittently. Frustrating.

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