About Café Ludwig

Sorry, no coffee served here. This is a place to enjoy some photos and some discussions and musings about digital photography.

Those words introduced the Café Ludwig blog on WordPress in September 2010. In the past years Café Ludwig has grown into a wider “place in the cloud” and this site is the “hub” to get you to many destinations.

Well, although no libations here, you can get one of my cups to enhance your own coffee,  just click on the image of the cup.



Welcome to Café Ludwig. This site is a gateway hub to the many individual sites that make up Ludwig’s “Cloud”. First a bit of background on the name. In August 2010 this was part of the introductory post on Blogger:

Why “Café”? The term brings back happy memories. A café used to be a quiet place where you could enjoy a good cup of coffee, read the morning paper, watch the world go by through bright, large windows with discrete, translucent curtains, and get pleasure from some photographs or paintings from local artists. So this will be a relaxing, quiet place to share some of the things I learned and the things I enjoy.

“Sharing things I learned” was also part of my teaching of computer skills and photography techniques. Teaching is best done by actual demonstrations and guess what happens when you show how to set up a blog. Yep, you get another blog. That was how much of my “cloud” got started. It soon grew into an exotic bazaar. This site tries to make it more like a modern, clean little store, ok, maybe a fancy shopping mall.

There are galleries, blogs, actual shopping sites, and more. There is also a more serious “entrance” that leads to services that I provide at LudwigKeck.com.

For news about my sites and some occasional technical notes see the news pages at LudwigKeck.com/News.

The About Ludwig page tells more about myself personally.

For musings and personal notes see Ludwig’s Ramblings.

Copyright © 2009 – 2025 Ludwig Keck. All rights reserved.

IN PLAIN ENGLISH: Do not use anything from this site or any other of my sites — text, photos, or anything else — without asking me first.

This website was created by myself and I’m responsible for all content, without warranty. My websites and their content are provided “as is” and no warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose are implied.
