Our Little Peachtree

Young Peaches

It is a “volunteer” in our back yard. Each spring it lights up with beautiful blossoms. A photo from back in 2016 became the logo of the Peach Blossom Artists group. Like the blossoms, the group lit up with creative activity. Like the blossoms on our little tree, the group faded after a while. After…… Continue reading Our Little Peachtree

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Going ’round

Going 'round

A quick scene from this morning. Going ’round My thought was this would be for Monday Window, but Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge won out. After all it is on the street.


Kaleidoodle 240406

… and Inner Corona? Here a kaileidoodle chuckle for Eclipse Day Across North America

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Flower on a Windowsill

Flower on a Windowsill Flower on a Windowsill

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Spring is here

Red Azalea Blossoms

Around our Yard Inspired by The Cosmic Photo Challenge: The arrival of Spring.

Looking Through

The Cosmic Photo Challenge “Looking Through” reminded me of a photo I took of a pedestrian tunnel. I figured that would fit the topic just fine. I used the text search “tunnel” – that photo didn’t come up, but there was a fine collection that did. Images I had taken some eight years ago and…… Continue reading Looking Through


Emory Johns Creek Hospital

Interesting Building This building has been the subject of a number of my posts. That tells you that I find it very interesting, so it fits the Cosmic Photo Challenge – Interesting Buildings. Emory Johns Creek Hospital

Bare Trees

Bare Branches - Ludwig Keck - 2024

Bare Trees in Winter Winter is a marvelous time to see the character and strength of our trees. Here are a group that has grabbed my interest and attention. This post is in response to The Cosmic Photo Challenge – Bare Trees. I had shared photos of these beauties before, Trees in Winter, Sycamore in…… Continue reading Bare Trees

First Daffodil


A sign of spring at last! Our daffodils are late this season. It took this blossom a whole day to open and it is not yet quite there. And then the rain came to dampen the spirit. At least with the raindrops on the blossom these photos fit the Cosmic Photo Prompt of “water, water,…… Continue reading First Daffodil


Tourists – they come down here and act like the own the place. Portrait – Canada Goose

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The Numbers Game

Portrait - Canada Goose

A fun challenge – Search the photo archive for “127” What does a text search for “127” in my photo archive come up with? Now I have two archives, a local one on my laptop, and a more complete one on an external drive. I decided to join Judy’s challenge and see what comes up…… Continue reading The Numbers Game

Shrimp and Grits

Shrimp with Vegetables and Grits Maybe a bit heavy on vegetables, but my shrimp and grits offering satisfies and tastes delicious. As is proper for such fare, cooking starts with a roux. A spoonful of flour and about two tablespoons of butter in the pan. Cook until golden. Then add olive oil and the cut-up…… Continue reading Shrimp and Grits