
… why, oh why? It is really, really frustrating. This website used to be hosted by a small internet service provider. As I was planning to add features, I started to feel bad. WordPress was changing and the new approach put more and more computing chores unto the severs. In days past the html code…… Continue reading Lament

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Along a Scenic Route

A day of pleasant travel and stops There is a folder named LAB on my hard drive where I temporarily keep photos for post-processing. As happens to us older folk, occasionally photos there gets neglected. Last week I was looking around and found a subfolder with a single photo of a building with interesting dormer…… Continue reading Along a Scenic Route

Categorized as Memories

Finishing the Move

It has been quite some time since the move of this site to a new hosting provider got underway. Many things have gone wrong, there were many delays. It is getting close to when it is time to say enough – it’s done. One if the objectives was to get better performance. That has been…… Continue reading Finishing the Move

“My Street Photography”

It has now been more than five months since I announced “My Street Photography” project here. At six o’clock in the morning each day since then a new image has been posting over at Ludwig.Gallery. The project is approaching its finish. In fact, all the photos have been uploaded and just a few remain to…… Continue reading “My Street Photography”

Rolling Exhibit

It started about a year ago when I was invited to do a presentation on street photography. Although I have admired street photographers all my life and enjoy photographing the goings on in public places and all around, I have not tagged myself “street photographer”. In fact, I have not even tagged photos in my…… Continue reading Rolling Exhibit

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A pleasant thank-you

There is nothing better than an unexpected “thank-you” It was in the late 1950s, I was still taking a couple courses to finish up my engineering degree and had taken a job with a small company. For lunch the company president, most of the sales staff and the engineering department, usually about six or eight…… Continue reading A pleasant thank-you


Spring is coming! Here in the South it is daffodils that are the early harbingers of spring. They are up all over, including in our front and back yard. I like to photograph them, they are gorgeous and fun. As I was walking around with my smartphone a bit of color showed up next to…… Continue reading Harbingers

Street Photography

… My Way It was about a year ago that the 2021 program calendar for the Peachtree Corners Phtography Club was firmed up. There were several presentations assigned to me. Little did I know at the time that the year would shape up with many troubles and difficulties, an annus horribilis. A couple of the…… Continue reading Street Photography

Joro Spider

Hereabouts we are just overrun with Joro spiders. They are everywhere. This one decided to string its web between bushes across the walk to our front door. Day before yesterday the web was destroyed when we had some workmen working on the house. The spider quickly strung its web on one of the bushes. When…… Continue reading Joro Spider

Rankin’ ramblin’

My friends are hard to please Not that I aim my photography and café art toward pleasing my friends. My work is strictly for my own fun. I enjoy doing photography, both before the click and after. Café art is a fun activity for me. Many hours are spend on these endeavors – some might…… Continue reading Rankin’ ramblin’

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Fun at twilight

Evening concerts on our Town Green offer challenging light and interesting sights – just what I like for twilight photography. It is my custom when arriving on the site to take a quick photo then chimp and check the settings and exposure. Camera in aperture priority at f/4 with auto-ISO and shutter set to 1/125…… Continue reading Fun at twilight

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If at first …

… well then, keep trying Circumstances had me spending many days in and around Emory University Hospital recently. I only had my iPhone with me, no “big” camera, but that was not a serious limitation. It provides a wide view angle and good resolution, the photos are quite acceptable. The pedestrian bridge over Clifton Road…… Continue reading If at first …

Blogging with my phone

For years I have been using my laptop or my desktop computer for all my blogging. The WordPress app on my phone went unused. Well, the day has come to see how blogging from the phone can work. Some of the fancy stuff at the end of my posts will not be possible here. Maybe…… Continue reading Blogging with my phone

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The year 2021 is starting with a major project of remodeling my sites. I had started last year but did not get very far. This time the work is proceeding better. The past few days this site was down and inaccessible. There was a major move in progress. Domain name registration was moved to a…… Continue reading Remodeling

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Finishing Up

A half-year long challenge Back in July, that was in the middle of that horrid year 2020 when you couldn’t do any traveling or much else, I succumbed and accepted one of those chain-letter challenges. It came from a respected colleague and looked intriguing at first. So I decided to go along. It was simple…… Continue reading Finishing Up

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Testing my Updates

It wont surprise my friends that I have once again spent more that my allowance on updating my photo editing tools to the latest versions. And now for a quick check to make sure everything is working. My toolbox now contains – in order in which they tend to be used: ► Microsoft Photo Gallery…… Continue reading Testing my Updates

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Count to Four

Things were going pretty well on the development of the online exhibition that the Peachtree Corners Photography Club was getting ready. I was working “the strings behind the curtain”. Photographers were uploading their entries. I assembled the photos in an online OneDrive folder for the judges. We already had over eighty entries. The judges asked…… Continue reading Count to Four

Bragging a bit

Well, actually I am bragging a lot, as there is much to brag about. The online Peachtree Corners Magazine, in an article on an evening concert at the Town Center, included a number of my photos alongside photos by the award-wining photojournalist Jason Getz. There is more. They also used one of my photos…… Continue reading Bragging a bit

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Evening Event Photography

In photography we cherish the “golden hour” and the “blue hour”, the short period before and after sunset when the light changes to soft warm and then to gentle cool. This is, of course, also the time when many outdoor events take place such as concerts, fairs, and many public get-togethers. It has been one…… Continue reading Evening Event Photography

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Old Fort Jackson

The Beauty of a Tool that Works Well It started innocently enough. A friend issued a challenge to post ten photos from past travels without comments or explanations. I did so. But then I just couldn’t let it go. No explanation, no comment seemed like shortchanging the few friends who would see my posts. So…… Continue reading Tagging

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