
Runners in the Dark

Runners in the Dark Runners in the Dark Just a small tribute to Light Up The Corners. Image manipulation based on a photo from six years ago.

Gallery Visit

O Gallery - Norcross

You have seen my photos from the O Gallery Farewell Party. Now here my artistic impressions of the event. The first a manipulation of the featured photo from my post Saying Goodbye to the O Gallery, and below a kaleidoodle based on it. O Gallery – Norcross Kaleidoodle – O Gallery – Norcross

Ice Cream Day

Ice Cream

If you missed National Ice Cream Day, here is a treat for you. Ice Cream You can learn much more from my friends at the Frog and PenguINN.

Monday Window – 240722

Georgia State Capitol

Rolling past our capitol When shooting out a bus window it is not easy getting the best angle on a subject. My solution is to just keep shooting, one of the photos is bound to be acceptable. Georgia State Capitol Unfortunately there isn’t really a good one, all are plagued by reflections and the views…… Continue reading Monday Window – 240722

Rear View

Did you know that hawks can turn their heads almost 180 degrees? Here our hawk was actually taking a bath in our birdbath. Took plenty of time too. Our other bird friends were raising a ruckus, but the hawk was undisturbed until he saw us watching. That was a pretty dirty look. Guess it was…… Continue reading Rear View

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily

A Cafe Art Abstraction Tiger Lily

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Going ’round

Going 'round

A quick scene from this morning. Going ’round My thought was this would be for Monday Window, but Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge won out. After all it is on the street.


Kaleidoodle 240406

… and Inner Corona? Here a kaileidoodle chuckle for Eclipse Day Across North America

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Flower on a Windowsill

Flower on a Windowsill Flower on a Windowsill

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First Daffodil


A sign of spring at last! Our daffodils are late this season. It took this blossom a whole day to open and it is not yet quite there. And then the rain came to dampen the spirit. At least with the raindrops on the blossom these photos fit the Cosmic Photo Prompt of “water, water,…… Continue reading First Daffodil


Tourists – they come down here and act like the own the place. Portrait – Canada Goose

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