Rear View

Did you know that hawks can turn their heads almost 180 degrees? Here our hawk was actually taking a bath in our birdbath. Took plenty of time too. Our other bird friends were raising a ruckus, but the hawk was undisturbed until he saw us watching. That was a pretty dirty look. Guess it was…… Continue reading Rear View

Our Little Peachtree

Young Peaches

It is a “volunteer” in our back yard. Each spring it lights up with beautiful blossoms. A photo from back in 2016 became the logo of the Peach Blossom Artists group. Like the blossoms, the group lit up with creative activity. Like the blossoms on our little tree, the group faded after a while. After…… Continue reading Our Little Peachtree

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Happy Holidays!

Holiday Lights 2023

All the best for the Holiday Season! Holiday Lights 2023

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Ghost Spider

Ghost Spider

It can happen to anybody, of course. As I was getting ready to take a photo of Mrs. Joro, I accidentally pushed the release button all the way down. I hadn’t focused yet and was still wondering what aperture I should use. When I heard the click, I mumbled something to myself, something on the…… Continue reading Ghost Spider

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Red Awnings

Red Awnings

Another version Here a version that really emphasizes the topic. Find a different take at Silver Canvas. Red Awnings

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Diamond in the making … After my clean, precise “Doily” how about something messier? It started with a nice photo of a daisy – and went downhill from there. There are two dozen, yes – 24, transformations of that photo in my files. They were created over a month’s time. Here are the (currently) final…… Continue reading Diamond

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Recently a series of kaleido-art images concluded over at Ludwig.Gallery. The show received scant notice. That was not unexpected. Here is a brand new, unpublished kaleidoodle titled “Doily”. Just to remind anyone coming by that this addiction is not going to end anytime soon. Doily

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Feeding Time

Seeing an Appreciating It is not at all uncommon that a photo of mine that I consider one of my best, or at least one of my favorites, gets yawns from my friends. In fact, most of the time when picking “good photos” from my collection, others rarely pick what I hold dear. There is…… Continue reading Feeding Time

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Tree glowing in photoodle glory Nothing special, just a photoodle of a sycamore tree.

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Another bunch of emails … Yes, I keep getting emails, many like this (edited to deny fame): This email was sent from your website “Cafe Ludwig” by the Wordfence plugin at Friday 27th of January 2023 at 10:54:39 AM ……A user with IP address XXXXX has been locked out from signing in or using the…… Continue reading Visitors

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… why, oh why? It is really, really frustrating. This website used to be hosted by a small internet service provider. As I was planning to add features, I started to feel bad. WordPress was changing and the new approach put more and more computing chores unto the severs. In days past the html code…… Continue reading Lament

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Rolling Exhibit

It started about a year ago when I was invited to do a presentation on street photography. Although I have admired street photographers all my life and enjoy photographing the goings on in public places and all around, I have not tagged myself “street photographer”. In fact, I have not even tagged photos in my…… Continue reading Rolling Exhibit

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Spring is coming! Here in the South it is daffodils that are the early harbingers of spring. They are up all over, including in our front and back yard. I like to photograph them, they are gorgeous and fun. As I was walking around with my smartphone a bit of color showed up next to…… Continue reading Harbingers

Joro Spider

Hereabouts we are just overrun with Joro spiders. They are everywhere. This one decided to string its web between bushes across the walk to our front door. Day before yesterday the web was destroyed when we had some workmen working on the house. The spider quickly strung its web on one of the bushes. When…… Continue reading Joro Spider

Rankin’ ramblin’

My friends are hard to please Not that I aim my photography and café art toward pleasing my friends. My work is strictly for my own fun. I enjoy doing photography, both before the click and after. Café art is a fun activity for me. Many hours are spend on these endeavors – some might…… Continue reading Rankin’ ramblin’

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Fun at twilight

Evening concerts on our Town Green offer challenging light and interesting sights – just what I like for twilight photography. It is my custom when arriving on the site to take a quick photo then chimp and check the settings and exposure. Camera in aperture priority at f/4 with auto-ISO and shutter set to 1/125…… Continue reading Fun at twilight

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If at first …

… well then, keep trying Circumstances had me spending many days in and around Emory University Hospital recently. I only had my iPhone with me, no “big” camera, but that was not a serious limitation. It provides a wide view angle and good resolution, the photos are quite acceptable. The pedestrian bridge over Clifton Road…… Continue reading If at first …

Blogging with my phone

For years I have been using my laptop or my desktop computer for all my blogging. The WordPress app on my phone went unused. Well, the day has come to see how blogging from the phone can work. Some of the fancy stuff at the end of my posts will not be possible here. Maybe…… Continue reading Blogging with my phone

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