
Lights - Camera - Action

… So went The Cosmic Photo Challenge for today. Dale suggested “You can pick whichever elements you like for your inspiration (obviously cameras will be involved), so anything featuring light or lights and all kinds of action shots can be included.” Several of my photos immediately came to mind. Foremost was “movie set!” – Yes, they…… Continue reading Lights-Camera-Action

Old Buildings

Store Fronts

The Cosmic Photo Challenge asked for Old Buildings. Here are eight of mine. Some are older than others.

Ground Level


Photography down low If it were not for Dale’s From ground level challenge I would not have gone into my archive to find some of my “low down” photos. Here are some views of how I work at ground level. Some floral subject that the camera saw. Sometimes we have to get down to see…… Continue reading Ground Level

Looking Up

Fly-By - U.S. Navy Blue Angels

Looking up one mostly sees clouds, birds, aircraft, treetops. And two cafe art creations This post was inspired by From underneath of the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

Red Blossom

Red Blossom

Our little indoor plant just keeps opening fresh blossoms. I have photographed them before and shared. Here is a fresh close-up. Just in time for the challenge Close Up. Red Blossom

Festive Illuminations

‘Tis the season for festive, holiday lights. You never know what you might encounter, or what creatures come stomping out of the trees. With a tip of the hat to Dale at the Cosmic Photo Prompt. One from Holiday Lights – Gallery Ludwig, one from Monday Windows – 241223.


Landscape in Suwanee

Maybe not a vast vista with mountains and rivers, but a pleasant little urban view. For The Cosmic Photo Challenge: Landscapes. Landscape in Suwanee


Sunrise in the Rockies

“Sunrise in the Rockies” For this week, the topic presented by The Cosmic Photo Challenge is “Morning Light”. Well, that is not easy for me to do. Getting up early is a challenge and getting somewhere scenic even more so. I allowed myself to do some dreaming and thought back to some early mornings in…… Continue reading Sunrise

Passages and Pathways

The Cosmic Photo Challenge often has intriguing themes, but Mondays are often too busy for me to participate. It’s Tuesday now and my OneDrive showed me an old memory that fits the topic. So I decided to take a quick look and see what else I already posted and what might be fun to show.…… Continue reading Passages and Pathways



Sunset at a park For today Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge is “sunrise/sunset”. Now I have a good number of photos showing sunsets and somewhat fewer of sunrises. My challenge was to find a photo or two that I have not already shared. Turns out I have a few of those. Here are two of them.…… Continue reading Sunset

Going ’round

Going 'round

A quick scene from this morning. Going ’round My thought was this would be for Monday Window, but Dale’s Cosmic Photo Challenge won out. After all it is on the street.

Spring is here

Red Azalea Blossoms

Around our Yard Inspired by The Cosmic Photo Challenge: The arrival of Spring.

Looking Through

The Cosmic Photo Challenge “Looking Through” reminded me of a photo I took of a pedestrian tunnel. I figured that would fit the topic just fine. I used the text search “tunnel” – that photo didn’t come up, but there was a fine collection that did. Images I had taken some eight years ago and…… Continue reading Looking Through


Emory Johns Creek Hospital

Interesting Building This building has been the subject of a number of my posts. That tells you that I find it very interesting, so it fits the Cosmic Photo Challenge – Interesting Buildings. Emory Johns Creek Hospital

Bare Trees

Bare Branches - Ludwig Keck - 2024

Bare Trees in Winter Winter is a marvelous time to see the character and strength of our trees. Here are a group that has grabbed my interest and attention. This post is in response to The Cosmic Photo Challenge – Bare Trees. I had shared photos of these beauties before, Trees in Winter, Sycamore in…… Continue reading Bare Trees

Winter Bloom

It is wintery cold outside. The low last night was below 14F (-10 C). Nothing is blooming around the house. The daffodils haven’t made their appearance. Although back in 2017 this is how far they had come up: Back then, just a few days earlier things looked like this: However, today inside, the Christmas cactus…… Continue reading Winter Bloom