Monday Window – 241007

Chamblee Car Dealership

Last of Chamblee Drive-by Finally we come to the end of my Chamblee drive-by photography set. At the top of the city, along Peachtree Boulevard, there are what seems like dozens of car dealerships. Just about any brand is represented. I photographed just two of them. In drive-by photography one of the hazards is street…… Continue reading Monday Window – 241007

Monday Window – 240923

Still driving through Chamblee We are not finished yet with our drive-by photography tour of Chamblee, but we are on our way back. Here we are on Peachtree Boulevard, no longer on Peachtree Road. Don’t let that confuse you. In the Atlanta area there are dozens, if not hundreds, or streets bearing the peachtree name.…… Continue reading Monday Window – 240923

Monday Window – 240916


Continuing through Chamblee A bit more of that new construction and on to another building. Chamblee Chamblee Chamblee Here a little look “behind the curtain”. “Drive-by photography” presents a lot of challenges. It is hard to see just what is coming up. Signs along the streets are often unavoidable. When photographing buildings, as I was…… Continue reading Monday Window – 240916

Monday Window – 240826

Windows, Balconies, Dormers and more Riding home from an appointment my attention was drawn to the business building with its dormers, balconies and windows. Even a little turret with windows. Note the Juliet balcony on the right. There was another attraction. See that tall “tree” in the left background. You can recognize it readily as…… Continue reading Monday Window – 240826

Monday Window – 240722

Georgia State Capitol

Rolling past our capitol When shooting out a bus window it is not easy getting the best angle on a subject. My solution is to just keep shooting, one of the photos is bound to be acceptable. Georgia State Capitol Unfortunately there isn’t really a good one, all are plagued by reflections and the views…… Continue reading Monday Window – 240722

Another New Home

Monday Window - logo image

… for Monday Window and a new logo After moving the “home” of Monday Window over to Two Cameras – Two Views I discovered that the blog domain “mondaywindow” was available at Of course I claimed it. Now Monday Window has it own home at Along with the new home there is also…… Continue reading Another New Home

Closing Doors and Windows


The fun projects, Monday Window and Thursday Doors, have been moved to Two Cameras – Two Views. This blog, on a self-hosted site, does not do well on WordPress Reader. Just three friends have succeeded in following this blog. They will not be forgotten. There will always be some ramblings here with links and information…… Continue reading Closing Doors and Windows

Monday Window – 2

Monday Window – Looking Up Sometimes when you look up at windows they seem to take on a different character. They seem to be looking out, far above, unconcerned with the goings-on below them. Then again, sometimes you can see in and just barely imagine what is happening there. .:. © 2016 Ludwig Keck