Do I need a “prompt”? Do I need a prod?


Looking back at Day Eleven of Blogging 101 I find the topic “Make a Prompt Personal” – Publish a post based on your own, personalized take on a blogging prompt.

Do I need to be prodded? Can’t I find inspiration and topics to blog about? Do I need such stimulation? Well the past three days were busy and filled with activities that had not been planned. Some pleasant, some less so. Unexpected company, an invitation to a restaurant opening, a major appliance failure, a visit to another way of life. Plenty of opportunities for inspiration and kindling of ideas.

Little time to share my thoughts with friends in the “eworld”. Here is a pleasant view:


Yes, a long-awaited brand new eating place was ready to serve up their specialties. Surely that takes precedence over sitting at a computer!

This was not a time elaborate photography, just quick snap-shots with on-camera flash. Quick captures of our orders. I wanted to take a photo of the still empty establishment. That image lead to a blog post over on the Café Ludwig techy blog.


The process of preparing that post lead to another potential post topic. My blogging editor (Live Writer, what else?) does not yet know about “featured images”. Turns out that the Dashboard editor did not show that feature either for my theme. The on-line edit does. And so I added the featured image quite a bit after the post went out to the world. What good are featured images? Aha, another topic.

I wanted to place a link on the image above to that other post. But I am composing this post in the on-line editor – no such option. Another tickle, prod, stimulus.

It is possible, however, to add a featured image here. So I will. But I won’t explain it here.

Well, let’s go see what Blogging 101 is asking of me next.

But one last step, the “boilerplate”. May that is a good idea for …


© 2016 Ludwig Keck

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