My blog Café Ludwig has been nominated for the Liebster Award by Irmgard Rahn, BOOKS OF REALITY. Irmgard was a fellow participant in Blogging 101. Since this blog was my “vehicle” for that course, I consider it appropriate that I involve it in the award process by fulfilling two of the requirements of the award here.
The rules are:
- Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer 10 questions that the blogger gives you.
3. Give 10 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 blogs with under 200 followers. - Notify the bloggers that you have nominated them.
- Give them 10 questions to answer.
Meine 10 Fragen:
My Ten Questions:
- Warum bloggen Sie?
Why do you blog?
I very much enjoy sharing skills, knowledge with others. Blogging has been a two way street of learning and sharing, and most importantly of meeting new friends.
- Wie lange bloggen Sie schon und wollen Sie weitermachen?
How long have you been blogging and do you intend to continue?
My blog This ‘n That had its first post in January 2009. The award blog, Café Ludwig, got underway in June of that year. My posts have become less frequent in recent years, but I do look forward to keep going for as long as I can.
- Wie wichtig ist der Blog für Sie?
How important is the blog for you?
It is much of my way of staying intouch with the world, so I would say it ranks right up there as a very important part of my life.
- Finden Sie, dass ein Blog für Marketing geeignet ist?
You you find that a blog is suitable for marketing?
Looking around at commercial sites, I find that frequent contact with past and prospective buyers has become almost essential. Much of those “mailings” are now done by blogging. For small businesses and individuals, this is the way to remind customers of your existence and offerings. In addition to marketing, blogs lend themselves to sales pages as well. I do very little marketing of my art and photography and only occasioanlly “push” my wares. I do provide sales pages and links, see for example my “Gallery Store”.
- Wie finden Sie bei der riesigen Bandbreite und Anzahl der Blogs die, die Ihnen gefallen?
How do you find, in view of the wide bandwidth and number of blogs, those blogs that you like?
The Blogging 101 course was a wonderful opportunity to meet new bloggers. I follow about 200 WordPress bloggers and keep a list of tags in the Reader. Every so often when I have the time I let the Reader show me the latest posts in topic areas such as photography, art, blogging and several computer related subjects. I also follow links in trusted blogs to new bloggers.
- Haben Sie eine bestimmte Zeit, in der Sie bloggen oder je nach Inspiration?
Do you blog at a specific time [interval] or as you are inspired?
I neither post regularly nor do I set any specific time aside to assemble my posts. Several years ago I assigned myself to do a “weekly photo”. I did manage to keep it up for a year but felt pressured and not at my best when I had to deliver every week. The following year I decided to just post when I had something worthwhile. As it turned out I posted more photos during that “relaxed posting” year.
- Gibt es ein Vorbild, dem Sie nacheifern?
Is there a exemplary model that you try to emulate?
There are a number of blogs that I admire and occasionally look to see what theme they are using, but for the most part I prefer to go my own ways.
- Haben Sie mehr als einen Blog?
Do you have more than one blog?
Oh, yes. I have a number of blogs, just take a look at the Home page and the Blogs page of this site. - Schreiben Sie einen Post und drücken Sie sofort ‘publish’ oder lassen Sie das Thema ’sacken’ und publizieren Sie später?
Do you write a post an click “Publish” or do you let a topic “ripen” and publish at a later time?
It takes me a long time to put a post together. I jot down some ideas, then I collect the supporting material, photos, and references. Sometimes I need photos or screen captures. I have one post that I have been working on, I should say off and on, for a couple of months. Occasionally I whip one out in just a couple of hours. But those are rare. I want to present accurate and useful information and it takes time to get things right. - Sind Sie glücklich mit dem Aussehen Ihres Blogs oder suchen Sie Wege ihn zu ändern?
Are you happy with the looks of your blog or do you look for ways to change it?
Oh, I am happy enough, but always feel that improvements can and should be made. Most of my blogs are overdue in my mind for extensive overhauls and spiffing up. This site was totally redone this past December and there are still some items that need attention.
Ten random facts
- I don’t like sharing personal information.
- I am an octogenarian.
- My interest in computers and computing goes back to 1956.
- You can buy a little book of my first year’s blog posts on Amazon.
- This blog has only 3 followers, and is is almost impossible for anyone to follow this blog.
- I have sold more of my art than Van Gogh sold of his.
- One of my ambitions is to create an online magazine and I have already a blog for it.
- I have been a toy maker.
- If you search “wicker chairs on aircraft”, Google shows one of my posts in the first few returns.
- Santa Claus is a client of mine. [Full disclosure: A Santa Claus is a client of mine.
Now go back to my post My Liebster Award at Café Ludwig and look in on my nominees. It will get you back to “good reads”.
© 2016 Ludwig Keck
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