It wont surprise my friends that I have once again spent more that my allowance on updating my photo editing tools to the latest versions. And now for a quick check to make sure everything is working.
My toolbox now contains – in order in which they tend to be used:
► Microsoft Photo Gallery – no update on this one, of course, as Microsoft abandoned it some eight years ago. Still contains the best importer for bringing photos from camera or memory card to the computer.
► ON1 Photo RAW 2021 – It was their HDR Effects tool that brought me to ON1 years ago. It now also serves as my preferred way of doing some adjustments, especially lens corrections, and converting to JPGs.

► Topaz DeNoise AI – A fine tool that does its job better than anything else in my tool box – except when it messes up.
► Topaz Sharpen AI – Another outstanding tool – when it works.
► Corel PaintShop Pro 2021 – My photo editor when I need to do some heavy tasks. Layers and calling the other tools as plugins makes this easy and efficient. There are some delightful effects built in as well. My favorite for many years.
► There are also the Nikon tools which come in handy at times for some special tasks.
► You can see shortcut icons for other tools on my desktop. These include the old Nik collection of fine tools. DXO now is the stewart of these tools. I have not upgraded to the latest versions.
Well, everything seems to be working as expected. Here is a photo of Haley that I used to put the various tools through their paces.