
Flowering at our place

… blooming at our place The Cosmic Photo Challenge asked, “What’s flowering where you are?” A quick look around found these: Flowering at our place One daffodil is still hanging on. To continue the bright yellow: Our white violets are beginning to shine. Flowering at our place But spring at our house in Georgia means…… Continue reading Blooming

Shrimp and Grits

Shrimp with Vegetables and Grits Maybe a bit heavy on vegetables, but my shrimp and grits offering satisfies and tastes delicious. As is proper for such fare, cooking starts with a roux. A spoonful of flour and about two tablespoons of butter in the pan. Cook until golden. Then add olive oil and the cut-up…… Continue reading Shrimp and Grits

In other places …

Visit my other sites to see these sights … Two Cameras – Two Views Gallery Ludwig

Green Gem

Green Gem

My kaleidoscopic art is an on-again off-again activity. Now, as summer of 2023 gets underway, I seem to spend a little more time with my “kaleidoodles”. Some are along the classic lines and quite abstract, others delight with flower manipulations. They are spread out all over my sites. Maybe when the “pile” is large enough…… Continue reading Green Gem

Finishing the Move

It has been quite some time since the move of this site to a new hosting provider got underway. Many things have gone wrong, there were many delays. It is getting close to when it is time to say enough – it’s done. One if the objectives was to get better performance. That has been…… Continue reading Finishing the Move

“My Street Photography”

It has now been more than five months since I announced “My Street Photography” project here. At six o’clock in the morning each day since then a new image has been posting over at Ludwig.Gallery. The project is approaching its finish. In fact, all the photos have been uploaded and just a few remain to…… Continue reading “My Street Photography”

A pleasant thank-you

There is nothing better than an unexpected “thank-you” It was in the late 1950s, I was still taking a couple courses to finish up my engineering degree and had taken a job with a small company. For lunch the company president, most of the sales staff and the engineering department, usually about six or eight…… Continue reading A pleasant thank-you

Street Photography

… My Way It was about a year ago that the 2021 program calendar for the Peachtree Corners Phtography Club was firmed up. There were several presentations assigned to me. Little did I know at the time that the year would shape up with many troubles and difficulties, an annus horribilis. A couple of the…… Continue reading Street Photography

Photo to Cafe Art

One journey from camera to cafe art As my friends here know, I love creating “cafe art” from photos. It occurred to me that the journey of an image from the camera to my gallery site may make an interesting story. Sometimes I have nothing special in mind and just start playing around. The results…… Continue reading Photo to Cafe Art

Ramble – June 2019

The dictionary says: ramble – noun – a leisurely excursion for pleasure. synonyms: walk · hike · trek · wander · stroll · saunter · amble · roam · traipse · jaunt Photo by James Stone, Tytan Pictures This, then, should be a pleasurable stroll through some interesting topics. It didn’t work out that way…… Continue reading Ramble – June 2019

Once Upon a Time

A long, long, time ago there was a tool for preparing blog posts called “Windows Live Writer”. It had some fabulous features. You could do something like this: Demo-1 VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL Or this: Demo-1 VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL Alas, those days are long forgotten. No longer can these things be done.…… Continue reading Once Upon a Time

An Era Ends

Here, at the end of 2018, we are “blessed” with a revolutionary change from WordPress. Along with WordPress 5 comes the new “block” editor. The fanfares have sounded for many months. The unveiling shows an astonishing lack of understanding of the needs of users. The many superlative adjectives of ease and speed are empty promises.…… Continue reading An Era Ends