Candid Portraits The Lens-Artists challenge had the topic “portraits”. I have not participated in that challenge, but decided that I am a lens artist, so why not. So, what is a portrait? One dictionary the definition is “A portrait is a depiction of a person, frequently focusing on the head and shoulders, but can also…… Continue reading Portraits
Tag: photography
Bridge A small contribution to Becky’s square image challenge, specifically the “Geometry of Bridges”. Normally I shy away from square images. They don’t fit well into the themes of my sites. My posts start with a “featured image” nearly full screen width. The viewer can’t see all of a square image and has to scroll…… Continue reading Bridge
Light and Shadow
Light and shadows are fundamental building blocks of photography. Light is the essence of photography, without it, there would be no image. The quality, direction, and intensity of light can drastically alter the appearance of a photograph. Shadows are powerful storytellers. Shadows can reveal shapes, hide the irrelevant, create abstract patterns, bring out textures, even…… Continue reading Light and Shadow
Peach Blossoms
Bare Trees
Bare Trees in Winter Winter is a marvelous time to see the character and strength of our trees. Here are a group that has grabbed my interest and attention. This post is in response to The Cosmic Photo Challenge – Bare Trees. I had shared photos of these beauties before, Trees in Winter, Sycamore in…… Continue reading Bare Trees
First Daffodil
A sign of spring at last! Our daffodils are late this season. It took this blossom a whole day to open and it is not yet quite there. And then the rain came to dampen the spirit. At least with the raindrops on the blossom these photos fit the Cosmic Photo Prompt of “water, water,…… Continue reading First Daffodil
Winter Bloom
It is wintery cold outside. The low last night was below 14F (-10 C). Nothing is blooming around the house. The daffodils haven’t made their appearance. Although back in 2017 this is how far they had come up: Back then, just a few days earlier things looked like this: However, today inside, the Christmas cactus…… Continue reading Winter Bloom
If at first …
… well then, keep trying Circumstances had me spending many days in and around Emory University Hospital recently. I only had my iPhone with me, no “big” camera, but that was not a serious limitation. It provides a wide view angle and good resolution, the photos are quite acceptable. The pedestrian bridge over Clifton Road…… Continue reading If at first …
On This Date
On this date, January 12, 2014 It used to be that Google Photos prepared “reminiscences”, putting together a little album of images uploaded on a day years prior. Those albums could be shared. The sharing does not seem to work any more, hence this post. It was a cold, wintry, but bright day at McDaniel…… Continue reading On This Date
Another New Home
… for Monday Window and a new logo After moving the “home” of Monday Window over to Two Cameras – Two Views I discovered that the blog domain “mondaywindow” was available at Of course I claimed it. Now Monday Window has it own home at Along with the new home there is also…… Continue reading Another New Home
Monday Window – 2
Monday Window – Looking Up Sometimes when you look up at windows they seem to take on a different character. They seem to be looking out, far above, unconcerned with the goings-on below them. Then again, sometimes you can see in and just barely imagine what is happening there. .:. © 2016 Ludwig Keck
Thursday Doors – 2
A Simple Door For this Thursday Doors post my contribution is a simple door. Just about as simple as one can get. A simple glass double door. No adornments, just stark, rectangular panels. Even the door “handles” are simple rectangular metal bars. But surrounding the door are impressive, large windows reaching up to form a…… Continue reading Thursday Doors – 2
Monday Window – 1
Window on River Street So this is number one in my new series “Monday Window”. I took the advise of a respected sage “never start at the beginning”. This then is a window along River Street in Savannah, Georgia. The two photos here at first glance seem to show different windows. Yet it is one…… Continue reading Monday Window – 1
Monday Window – 0
Introducing “Monday Window” The final task in Blogging 101 is to create a regular feature. Just a couple of days ago I joined “Thursday Doors” by Norm 2.0. That is such a fun idea, posting a photo of a door once a week, that I decided to do something similar for a regular feature. My new…… Continue reading Monday Window – 0
Doors Open
Thursday Doors: Coming In Over in Blogging 101 the Day Thirteen task encourages to “Try a Blogging Event”. I looked through the list and and noticed that “Thursday Doors” by Norman Frampton was on the list. I had come across his Norm 2.o site and found the idea of a weekly blog featuring doors intriguing.…… Continue reading Doors Open
Hello and Welcome
Hello World, hello friends far and wide Yes, this is a new blog for me. Some of you may be surprised as Cafe Ludwig has been around for over seven years, I have a number of sites and blogs with some 150 posts last year. WordPress reported over 140,000 site visits in 2015. So what’s up?…… Continue reading Hello and Welcome