
Aircraft Engine

Interview by Our Arts Magazine Thrill, oh rapture, Fame! I have been interviewed by Our Arts Magazine. The article was published July 27, 2017. Interview Article Below here are the images used in the article – just for fun here. Go read the article.  

Holiday Boutique

Holiday Shop For the shopping pleasure of my friends I have “rented” a site over on my business for a holiday boutique. It is just a temporary shop, here for the holidays.  The site is one that I use for demonstrating ideas to customers and prospective customers, so it is only used for…… Continue reading Holiday Boutique


You-Name-It Gumbo I call it that because it uses just about every ingredient you can name Ingredients 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup flour 1 large onion 5 stalks celery (+/- depending on size) 5 – 6 cloves garlic 1 green pepper 2 large carrots 1 can tomatoes (Italian style with basil, oregano, garlic) 1…… Continue reading Gumbo

Change Happens

It started here, in this out-of-the way, hard-to-get-to corner of the internet. A bit more than a year ago my curiosity led me to sign up for Blogging 101 at the WordPress Blogging University. You can see the badge and link in the sidebar at the right. That in turn led me to participate in…… Continue reading Change Happens

First Impression

The First Impression of a Photograph There is that saying that “you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression” and we are all aware of the importance of making a good first impression. In social encounters our future relationships are shaped by those first impressions. In our world, where everything and everybody…… Continue reading First Impression

Photo Walk

A Photo Walk in Midtown Atlanta Saturday, August 27, 2016, presented a rare treat. I had a chance to meet a blogging friend, Norm Frampton. We had only exchanged online messages and emails before. This was a first time in-person meeting. A short photo walk and dinner with Norm and a local friend, David, was…… Continue reading Photo Walk

Celebrating “Hover Fly”

Facebook reminded me that is was just two years ago when “Hover Fly”, my cafe art image of a little eponymous creature on a yellow flower, was an honored participant in an exhibit at the Rectory in Norcross, Georgia. Here some views from that cherished event. After the exhibition “Hover Fly” was on display at…… Continue reading Celebrating “Hover Fly”

Cafe Art and Photopainting

As far back as I can remember I have always been fond of dabbling, drawing, painting, and doodling. Photography has also been my hobby. When the technology became available to combine both, of course, I could not resist. What resulted from my early efforts I could hardly call art. It didn’t seem that any of…… Continue reading Cafe Art and Photopainting

Growing my Audience

Hardly a day goes by without at least one message in a spam folder that offers sure-fire ways of increasing my readership. Some want to sell me Twitter followers, others offer Facebook friends. It isn’t just those no-name fly-by-nights, but the biggies do it too. Witness Facebook pushing its own advertising. Why for just $5…… Continue reading Growing my Audience

My past two months

If you scroll down to see the prior post you get an idea of why I have been totally quiet her for so long. I helped get the “Peach Blossom Artists” onto the Internet. The “Peach Blossom Artisan Market”. Oh, you have to visit the site I built: Peach Blossom Artists. More to come as…… Continue reading My past two months

A day for gotchas

There are days like this It started like any other day. I checked my emails, followed up on a couple, deleted advertising and then came across an email from Quora. Somebody was asking “Why should we use Windows Live Writer”. I had just been checking out some features in the new Open Live Writer so…… Continue reading A day for gotchas

Award: Featured Member

Featured member of the ALL Fine Artwork group of Fine Art America It is a great privilege to report that I have been picked for this honor. My participation in groups at FAA is not very extensive, I participate in just a dozen groups besides the administrators group and Cafe Art, the group I started…… Continue reading Award: Featured Member


With my weekly posts now running over on Two Cameras – Two Views I don’t have much to offer here this week. Of course, there is always a preview of the next Monday Window topic. For February 15 it will be windows in Buckhead, you can see them on the Gallery page. Go take a…… Continue reading Buckhead

Closing Doors and Windows


The fun projects, Monday Window and Thursday Doors, have been moved to Two Cameras – Two Views. This blog, on a self-hosted site, does not do well on WordPress Reader. Just three friends have succeeded in following this blog. They will not be forgotten. There will always be some ramblings here with links and information…… Continue reading Closing Doors and Windows

My Liebster Award

My blog Café Ludwig has been nominated for the Liebster Award by Irmgard Rahn, BOOKS OF REALITY. Irmgard was a fellow participant in Blogging 101. Since this blog was my “vehicle” for that course, I consider it appropriate that I involve it in the award process by fulfilling two of the requirements of the award…… Continue reading My Liebster Award

If at first you don’t succeed …

… take up something else! … Besides there was the note “come by at two o’clock”. We had been waiting for the opening of Hog & Ale Smokehouse for over four months. Turning to good food has always been a great “plan B” strategy. Mmmm, their “piglets” are awesome! Now what were we talking about.…… Continue reading If at first you don’t succeed …

Searchers, Followers, and Friends

For Day Ten the Blogging 101 assignment is “Build a Better Blogroll”. This is the third day with emphasis on the social aspects of blogging. Building your community is certainly essential to blogging. For me it brings up some interesting problems. There are two sides to WordPress. There is WordPress.COM with free blogs for individual…… Continue reading Searchers, Followers, and Friends